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How to Eliminate Writing Home, Post on the Blog

Sometimes the writing is on the Blog as
Home, New posts, long posts, customer atom entry
disturbing to look at, well enough to eliminate them follow the tips below

How to Eliminate Posts "Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)"
1. Log in to Blogger.
2. On the Dashboard page, we select Layout.
3. Then select Edit HTML
4. Tick the Expand Widget Templates
5. Find the following code

<div class = 'feed-links'>
<data: feedLinksMsg />
<b: loop values = 'data: the links' var = 'f'>
<a class='feed-link' expr:href='data:f.url' expr:type='data:f.mimeType' target='_blank'> <data: f.name/> (<data: f .feedType />) </a>
</ b: loop>
How to Eliminate Writing Home, Post on the Blog
</ div>

6. Remove (delete) the code.
7. Save the template when it is finished.

How to Eliminate Posts Home / Home on Blogspot
Login> Dashboard> Design and then select Edit HTML, then check to Expand Widget Templates.
After that, find the code below:

<data: homeMsg />

>> How to find the code, use Ctrl + F then Copy and paste the code that will be in the search earlier in the box that appears and then press next.

Finally, delete the code earlier then the Save Template / Save Template.

... ::::> If there are 2 code, delete the code that is at the top.

Eliminate Posts Post / Older Post
Go to the Dashboard, and then select Layout and then select Edit HTML, tick next to Expand Widget Templates, and then look for the code below:

<data: olderPageTitle />

<data: newerPageTitle />

In order to more easily find it, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard, then type the code If you have found, remove the code, and Save Template.

Similarly, the article on How to Eliminate Posts Home, Post in Blog. Read also the other articles in the TO ONE WAYS.
  thank you

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